You should always be aware of the medicines and what conditions they are treated for. There are various options people opt for when treating a condition that is not meant to treat the specific situation, and that usage is known as off-label.

Terms of using Clomid: it is approved by the FDA to be consumed by women. Clomid has a very high success ratio among women. Other than women, the FDA did not allow anyone to usage, but now it has been prescribed to men as an off-label medicine.

Most people use medicines off-label, and now it’s become common. It is legal to prescribe a medication that the FDA does not approve of treating a specific condition. Off-label usage of drugs is safe, but before using them, the person should have proper guidance from the Medical practitioner.

What Is Clomid?

Clomid has been a solution for women suffering from medical conditions preventing ovulation. The medical condition is known as polycystic ovary syndrome.

You can get Clomid in its generic version called Clomiphene. It belongs to the drug class of Synthetic ovulation stimulants. Clomid has been suggested as a safe fertility medicine trusted by fertility specialists and gynecologists.

Clomid For Low Testosterone In Men

Testosterone is a hormone that is present in males. It is one of the anabolic steroids, and even it is a primary sex hormone in men. Testosterone is the main key that helps to develop reproductive tissues such as the prostate and testes.

You may be advised to take Clomid if you have low testosterone levels because of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Suppose you are not prepared to have a baby. In that case, you can use Clomid to kick off the symptoms of a decrease in hypogonadism, including hair growth, lowered muscle mass, fatigue, ED, low libido, or trouble concentrating.

Why Is Clomid Used Within Men?

As mentioned above, Clomid is a prescribed medicine for women. Let us understand why exactly women use Clomid. FDA has approved the drug for women who are unable to become pregnant. This has been a big question mark: If women use Clomid to become pregnant, why do men use it?

So the answer is that the doctor prescribes Clomid as an off-label usage to help men in treating Infertility. Infertility can be between men and women. It is a kind of disease that prevents a person from achieving pregnancy. This disease is confirmed when there is 1 year of continuous sexual activities done without protection and unable to become pregnant.

How Does Clomid Work In Men’s Bodies?

Clomid has a process that helps the males in producing sperm. For a pregnancy within a couple, both partners should equally participate in having a baby. If the situation arises that men are unable to make it happen or due to Infertility, Clomid comes into the picture to treat Infertility in males.

Clomid works by blocking estrogen hormones from interacting with the pituitary glands. If estrogen interacts with the pituitary glands, less LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormones) are produced. Once LH and FSH are created, it will lead the testosterone level to drop, which will make sperm production low.

Once the Clomid successfully blocks the pituitary glands, the body will increase testosterone, LH, and FSH. Lately, even sperm will start to produce at a pace.

Will Clomid Help Men Treat Infertility?

The answer to this statement is partial. Some people benefit from it, whereas some people lose sperm production. There are mixed responses for the same. Clomid makes the medicine not much of a trustworthy source because the FDA has never accepted Clomid for Men.

Mahmod Cheheb et al. conducted several studies and research to know precisely about on-label and off-label medicines to treat male Infertility. So the studies stated that,

The researchers found mixed results. It shows that some people will be affected by the medicine, and some positive impacts increase sperm. People faced with a negative effect found that, due to dosage unavailability for the disease, there might be a fall in sperm production.

related post: Clomid Success Rate

When men use Clomid, what changes occur?

Men will see many changes if they consume Clomid to treat Infertility. Before consuming Clomid by men, there would be less interest in having sex due to not making it up to the climax.

After consuming medicine, there are changes seen in men. It will increase male fertility within a few days; It will help balance the hormonal changes within men and increase sperm count.

In other ways, to avoid surgeries (which will be a solution, too), you should be consuming Clomid. There are cases if the person has been through surgery; Clomid helps boost all the necessary elements in men’s bodies.

What Happens If Both The Partners Take Clomid?

It is beneficial for the couple if they take medicine. Clomid has been one of the best solutions for having a baby or becoming a parent. This will help both in different ways but with one cause.

If the woman takes Clomid, then she will have healthy ovarian reserves. Whereas if men take medicine, it will boost sperm production. The doctors always advise the doctor to take the medication at the beginning of the cycle for 5 days straight, whereas a male should consume the medicine daily because sperms are produced daily.

Best Time To Take Clomid For Men?

The best time to take Clomid for men depends on the specific treatment plan prescribed by a healthcare provider. Doctors generally advise a lady to take Clomid for five days at the start of her cycle. A male, on the other hand, will need to take Clomid every day since sperm production occurs regularly.

Typically, Clomid treatment for men involves taking a low dose of the medication daily for several months. The dose may be adjusted over time based on the individual’s response and hormone levels.

It is essential to follow the healthcare provider’s instructions regarding when and how to take Clomid. Clomid is generally taken orally, and it is usually recommended to take it simultaneously daily.

If you have questions about Clomid or how to take it, you must speak with your healthcare provider. They can provide personalized advice based on your individual needs and medical history.

How Much Clomid Should A Man Take?

You should always be in a sense when you are consuming off-label medicine. There might be a few differences a person might affect with the amount of dosage they are consuming.

Dosage for Infertility in Men:

  • Starting dose: 25mg (Full or you can consume half)
  • Maximum dose: You should not consume more than 50mg.

Caution: You should always take medicines as per the advice given by the doctor. High doses can be a problem for you.

Side Effects Of Clomid In Men

Various side effects might be affected by males who consume Clomid for treating Infertility, such as:

  • Irritability
  • Acne
  • If cancer is already present, it might grow more
  • Blurriness
  • Stiff muscles.

Precautions Of Clomid

Things you should keep in mind before consuming medicine are as follows:

  • Tell your doctor about the allergic reaction you have with Clomid.
  • Talk to your doctor about your medication history.
  • If you are suffering from Liver disease
  • If you are suffering from kidney issues.
  • Do not take clomid and alcohol together.

You should know where to buy Clomid Online and how you should buy Clomid. It is essential to avoid contacting the fraudster and get the genuine medicine in your hand.

Final Words From AzDrug

By now, you must know about the Clomid working for men. Yes, Clomid is used for treating male Infertility and boosting sperm quantity. There are a few side effects that you might encounter if you are consuming Clomid, such as Acne or irritability.

Partially, it has good and bad effects on people. For some men, Clomid works to treat Infertility, whereas, for some, there is a difficulty. Clomid is available as an off-label medicine, so a prescription for the drug is compulsory.

how long should a man take Clomid?

You need to understand the period when medicine should be consumed. If you consume more than the advised days, you might be in danger or negatively impact your health. You should at least take the Clomid drug for 3 to 4 months. You will initially see the changes within you once you consume the medicine for 3-4 months.

Will usage of Clomid increase testicle size?

You will see the changes in men's testicles after using Clomid. This is because it preserves fertility within testicles, making them increase in size. That's where you can see the testosterone changes within a man.

What if a man's sperm count is low and a woman wants to consume Clomid?

If the male is suffering from low sperm count, women can take Clomid to boost up the eggs in the fallopian tubes. So once the man ejaculates, there are chances of fewer sperm meeting an egg.

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Disclaimer: Please see your healthcare practitioner for any medical queries or concerns. Peer-reviewed research and information from medical societies and government agencies are used to support the articles in Health Guide. They are not, however, a replacement for expert medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

  • Chandrapal, Jason C., et al. “Characterising the Safety of Clomiphene Citrate in Male Patients through Prostate-Specific Antigen, Haematocrit, and Testosterone Levels.” BJU International, vol. 118, no. 6, June 2016, pp. 994–1000, Accessed 6 May 2023.
  • Grossmann, Mathis. “Low Testosterone in Men with Type 2 Diabetes: Significance and Treatment.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, vol. 96, no. 8, Aug. 2011, pp. 2341–53, Accessed 7 May 2023.
  • Kaminetsky, Jed, et al. “Oral Enclomiphene Citrate Stimulates the Endogenous Production of Testosterone and Sperm Counts in Men with Low Testosterone: Comparison with Testosterone Gel.” The Journal of Sexual Medicine, vol. 10, no. 6, June 2013, pp. 1628–35, Accessed 6 May 2023.
  • MARSHALL, J. C., et al. “CLOMIPHENE CITRATE in MEN: INCREASE of CORTISOL, LUTEINIZING HORMONE, TESTOSTERONE and STEROID-BINDING GLOBULINS.” Journal of Endocrinology, vol. 53, no. 2, May 1972, pp. 261–76, Accessed 6 May 2023.
  • Paduch, D. A., and J. Kiper. “Efficacy of Clomid, Arimidex, and Androgel in Normalizing Testosterone in Young Hypogonadal Men Presenting with Infertility and Sexual Dysfunction.” Fertility and Sterility, vol. 88, Sept. 2007, p. S75, Accessed 7 May 2023.

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